The use of Eugenol and electro-narcosis as anaesthetics: Transcriptional impacts on the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.)
Utilisation de l'eugenol et de l'électronarcose comme anesthésiants : effets transcriptionels sur l'anguille européenne (Anguilla anguilla, L.)
Ecotoxicological studies aim to assess the potential environmental risks of various products. This implies the use of various biological models and tests on live animals. In case of handling fish and mammals, ethical rules have to be respected. The use of anaesthesia is considered to be the best way to ensure animal welfare. Eugenol and electro-narcosis are among the most popular chemical and physical anaesthetics used in fisheries and by field biologists. In this study, the genetic and endocrine impacts of these anaesthetics were assessed in order to establish whether the use of such methods could skew the results of ecotoxicological studies.