Remote sensing and GIS techniques for large-scale assessment of the relative impacts of land cover pressures on macroinvertebrate communities
Restoring or preserving the ecological quality of aquatic ecosystems is a major objective of Water Framework Directive (WFD). A pending question deals with the relative influence of anthropic pressures from local to watershed scale on river ecological status in order to better orient restoration strategies. For this purpose, a regional approach studying the relationships between land cover (a driving force of the main anthropic pressures) and biological WFD standards is required. This study mobilizes three complementary fields of research: 1- the use of suitable land cover data at each functioning scale: the upstream watershed (UW), the upstream riparian (UR) and the local riparian scale (LR) ; 2- the quantification of synthetic spatialized indicators of land cover reflecting the impact mechanisms; 3- the development of pressure/state statistical spatialized models (PSM) that quantify the links between biological indicators assessed at station level and land cover spatial indicators over each scale. Several riparian buffers were tested in order to better localize the areas to be restored. The corresponding methods were developed and implemented over lower French Normandy river networks (6000 km long; 157 macroinvertebrate stations, a part of Tables Calcaires hydroecoregion). CLC database was used for quantifying land cover at UW scale and very high spatial resolution imagery over riparian scales (UR and LR). Results show for instance the significant riparian tree vegetation (over a 20m wide strip on both sides of the river) influence on macroinvertebrate indicator. Such results are very useful for decision-makers that can estimate the interest of investing in restoration strategies by anticipating their effects in terms of Water Framework Directive standards. In the near future, new spatial indicators at riparian scale and new biological indicators will be used in PSM models over different hydroecoregions with a particular attention to the spatial and temporal inaccuracies of data.