Poster De Conférence Année : 2012

Simulation Of Tracer Tests In Constructed Wetlands For Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment Using The Hydrus-2D (Cw2D / Cwm1) Software Package

Simulation d'un traçage dans un filtre planté à écoulement vertical pour le traitement des surverses de basin d'orage en utilisant HYDRUS-2D


The Hydrus-2D software package allows to display the interaction of processes in constructed wetlands. Whereas several types of constructed wetlands were simulated successfully, the results for combined sewer overflow treatment wetlands are less satisfying so far. Main reasons can be found in the high variations of feeding characteristics as well as in extended dry periods of several weeks. In preparation of model improvements by considering organic filtrates as nutrient source in dry periods it seems to be essential to display hydraulics and solute transports correctly by tracer test studies. This was done in column experiments in the past, but not for full-scale constructed wetlands due to operational challenges. The given study shows tracer test results in pilot-scale operation in two different ways. Obtained measurement results were simulated with 1D and 2D approaches. Simulation results show the importance of considering inlet and outlet placement inside the filter beds correctly.
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Dates et versions

hal-02598140 , version 1 (15-05-2020)



D. Meyer, J. Fournel, N. Forquet, Pascal Molle. Simulation Of Tracer Tests In Constructed Wetlands For Combined Sewer Overflow Treatment Using The Hydrus-2D (Cw2D / Cwm1) Software Package. 13th International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, Nov 2012, Perth, Australia. pp.9, 2012. ⟨hal-02598140⟩


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