A framework for spatio-multidimensional analysis improved by chorems: Application to agricultural data
Une méthodologie et un système pour l'analyse spatio-multidimensionnelle améliorée par les choremes: application aux données agricoles
Spatial OLAP (SOLAP) systems are decision-support systems for the analysis of huge volumes of spatial data. Usually, SOLAP clients provide decision-makers with a set of graphical, tabular and cartographic displays to visualize warehoused spatial data. Geovisualization methods coupled with existing SOLAP systems are limited to interactive (multi) maps. However, a new kind of geovisualization method recently appears to provide summaries of geographic phenomena: the chorem-based methods. A chorem is theoretically defined as a schematized spatial representation, which eliminates any unnecessary details to the map comprehension. Therefore, in this paper we investigate the opportunity to integrate SOLAP and chorem systems in a unique decision support system. We propose the ChoremOLAP system that enriches SOLAP maps with chorems. We apply our proposal to agricultural data analysis, since both chorems and SOLAP have been rarely used in this application domain. Using open data provided by the FAO, we show how ChoremOLAP is well adapted in the agricultural context.