Rapeseed: how to value varieties with higher nitrogen use efficiency in France
This article focuses on the interest in improving the nitrogen use efficiency of rapeseed varieties in France. We show that this trait is of interest at different levels of the value chain and for different markets. Nitrogen use efficiency improves farmers’ margins by reducing fertilizing costs or increasing yields. Nitrogen use efficiency also improves the GHG (greenhouse gas) balance of rapeseed used for biodiesel production and the image of edible rapeseed oil for consumers within the framework of specific labels. Finally, nitrogen use efficiency can also be seen as a trait that improves the protein content of rapeseed oilcake and, therefore, increases its value compared to competing sources of protein. After a detailed presentation of these different valuations, we provide current or possible measures that have been or could be implemented to encourage different actors in the sector to develop and diffuse this trait.
Economics and FinanceOrigin | Publication funded by an institution |