Effects of summer fallow management on take-all of winter wheat caused by Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici
Crop rotation is the oldest, and perhaps the best cultural practice for reducing the risk of take-all. The effects of crops sown before wheat in a rotation are known in detail, but we know little about the opportunities for reducing take-all risk by planting certain crops in the summer period between wheat harvest and the planting of a subsequent winter wheat crop. We investigated the effects on take-all of five summer fallow crops, two soil tillage treatments and a fungicide seed treatment, in a five site-year experiment. We tested the effects of oats, oilseed rape, mustard, ryegrass and volunteer wheat crops. Bare-soil plots were also included. Take-all epidemics varied with year and site. Summer fallow crops had a greater effect on tilled plots. The incidence and severity of take-all were significantly higher in the wheat volunteer plots, whereas maintaining bare soil provided the lowest level of disease. Oilseed rape had no significant effect on take-all incidence in our! experiment. The best candidates for reducing take-all risk appeared to be oats, mustard and ryegrass. These summer fallow crops decreased disease levels only when associated with conventional tillage. Summer fallow crops did not alter take-all decline in the same way as a break crop after a wheat monoculture