LAGoPEDE, a French breeding project to develop frost tolerant and FEVITA® faba bean varieties
The INRA Plant Biology and Breeding division works together with the breeding company Agri Obtentions under the LAGoPEDE project to develop performant grain legume varieties for tomorrow’s agriculture. Grain legumes represent an important source of proteins for food and feed. One of the main targets of LAGoPEDE is to increase the area of cultivation and improve the seed quality of faba bean (Vicia faba) in France, by developing performant winter varieties well adapted to the North-East of the country. A frost tolerance screening of a diverse germplasm collection of 1,500 faba bean accessions available at INRA, Dijon was first conducted. Eleven frost-tolerant accessions were selected as genitors in LAGoPEDE. Considering the objective of producing FEVITA varieties, i.e. seeds with zero tannin and low vicine-convicine content, crosses between frost genitors and Mandoline, a FEVITA spring cultivar were performed. Additional crosses were made with genotypes exhibiting partial levels of tolerance to seed beetles (Coleoptera, Bruchinae) [1], an increasing problem for faba bean production. Phenotypic genealogical selection has essentially been undertaken for frost tolerance. Marker-assisted selection has been used to select low vicine-convicine genotypes [2]. LAGoPEDE will soon benefit of the outcomes of the PeaMUST project to include the SNP markers linked to quantitative trait loci responsible for bruchid and frost tolerance in the selection process.