Preventing invasions of Asian longhorn beetle and citrus longhorn beetle: are we on the right track?
Two Asian longhorn beetles, Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis, are among the most serious alien invasive species attacking forest and urban trees, both in North America and Europe. Major efforts have been put into preventing further entry and establishment of the two species as well as promoting their successful eradication. Here, we review these efforts, their progress and outcome, and scientific advancements in monitoring and control methods. The combined international activities and harmonizing legislative changes in detection and eradication methods have proven worthwhile, with more than 45% of eradication programmes successful in the last 12 years. Some countries were able to completely eradicate all populations and others managed to reduce the area affected. Although the costs of the eradication programmes can be very high, the benefits outweigh inaction. Attempts to eradicate A. chinensis have been more challenging in comparison with those targeting A. glabripennis. For both species, efforts are hampered by the ongoing arrival of new beetles, both from their native regions in Asia and from other invaded regions via bridgehead effects. The methods used for eradication have not changed much during the last decade, and host removal is still the method most commonly used. On the other hand, detection methods have diversified during the last decade with advances in semiochemical research and use of detection dogs. The next decade will determine if eradications continue to be successful, particularly in the case of A. chinensis, which has been targeted in some countries for containment instead of eradication.
Key Message:
• Anoplophora glabripennis and Anoplophora chinensis are invasive wood borers native to Asia
• Both species are serious pests in their invaded range, attacking healthy forest and urban trees
• We analyse data from 2008–2020, regarding interceptions, establishments and eradications
• In Europe and North America more than 45% of eradication programmes were successful
• Innovations on management strategies and recent scientific achievements are reviewed