ENGAGED: System design of direct seedings under permanent cover crop without glyphosate - INRAE - Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement
Communication Dans Un Congrès Année : 2022

ENGAGED: System design of direct seedings under permanent cover crop without glyphosate


Direct seeding under permanent cover crop (SDCV) corresponds to sow a crop in a multiyear vegetal cover crop (often clover) without soil perturbation. It is an emblematic technique of Conservation Agriculture whose agronomic and environmental interests are multiple because of the special attention paid to soils. However, the issue of weed control and permanent cover crop control is central to SDCV culture systems. The use of non-selective herbicide such as glyphosate is the most common technical lever for weed and cover crop management. Glyphosate is in the hot seat since the President of France announced its banning from 2023. It becomes necessary to find alternatives for the sustainability of these systems. The CASDAR Project “ENGAGED” (2018-2022) aims to build glyphosate-free SDCV growing systems with low herbicide use. The ENGAGED Project is based on three main actions: • Tracking farmers innovations • To monitor the development dynamics of weed species on plots of farmers testing conducted in SDCV without glyphosate. • Constructing crop system prototypes through co-design workshops with farmers from different groups, particularly Economic and Environmental Interest Groups (EEIGs). The progress of the project allows us today to identify the tracks worked by farmers and evaluate their feasibility. The field-tested strategies on the farm plots integrate all the components of the technical itinerary (sowing density, fertilization, herbicide). The results presented come from data collected over two years (2018-2019 and 2019-2020) in a network of plots located in the northwest of France. The first year was designed in order to test chemical alternatives to glyphosate without restriction on quantity of the other herbicides. The efficiency of a spring mulching, an electric weeding before the sowing, a more intense fertilization and a double sowing density were evaluated the second year of the experiment. The observations made tend to show that the electric weeding is effective in controlling the weed flora, but has too little effect on legume cover. Furthermore, the double sowing density seems to compensate the loss of plant observed on the glyphosate-free plots, where the cover was poorly regulated, but the results are not conclusive enough to conclude to an effect of the mulching of the cover and of the intensified fertilization. A third testing year
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Dates et versions

hal-03927414 , version 1 (06-01-2023)


  • HAL Id : hal-03927414 , version 1


Bruno Chauvel, F Fremont,, Stéphane Cordeau, P-Y Bernard, S Pesquet. ENGAGED: System design of direct seedings under permanent cover crop without glyphosate. 8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (8WCCA). The future of farming, Jun 2021, Virtuel, Bern, Switzerland. ⟨hal-03927414⟩
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