Phenotypic and genetic variability of health and welfare traits in French dairy goats
The objective of the study was to investigate the phenotypic and genetic variability of health and welfare traits in French dairy goats. A total of 1,977 primiparous goats of Alpine and Saanen breeds, from 14 farms, were involved in the study during the years 2020-2021. Eleven indicators were assessed individually and once for each goat: abscess, arthritis, nasal discharge, ocular discharge, dirty and light soiling hindquarters, lameness, body condition, bag-shaped udder, dehorning issues, hair coat condition, claw issues. For the study, all the indicators were considered as binary traits (0: absence of disorder; 1: presence of disorder). The total number of disorders per animal was defined as the sum of the disorders for the eleven indicators. The disorder frequency ranged between 0.5% and 23% depending on the 11 indicators. Two groups of indicators were observed: those with a frequency lower than 5% (N=7) and those with a frequency about 20% (N=4: dehorning issues, bag-shaped udder, abscess, claw issues). The total number of disorders per goat was 0.94, on average in the total dataset, and ranged between 0 and 5. 40% of goats showed no disorder. Heritabilites were estimated using linear models for 4 traits suspected to be under genetic control and with sufficient frequency (>5%). They ranged between 4% (abscess) and 26% (bag-shaped udder). Arthritis and the total number of disorders had intermediate values (11% and 15%, respectively). These first results suggest that selection may be a potential strategy to improve health and welfare traits in dairy goats.