PerformancePulvé arbo: comparative assessment of orchard sprayer efficiency under standardized indoor conditions
Spray quality is a key point to optimise the use of plant protection products while maintaining the effectiveness of the crop protection. The French Plan Ecophyto2+ encourages the use of high-performance application techniques. This requires the ability to assess and classify sprayers on objectively measured indicators. The PerformancePulvé® sprayers labelling system, targeted to winegrowers, guarantees the performance of vine sprayers through an objective assessment of their sprayer’s quality and potential in terms of plant protection products reduction through trials (Vergès et al., 2017). The trials are carried out on the EvaSprayViti test bench, which mimics 4 rows of vine at 3 different growth stages. The objective of the Performance Pulvé Arbo project (2021-2023) is to extend this approach to the fruit-growing sector. A new test bench that mimics three rows of orchard has been developed to assess performances of fruit trees sprayers in terms of deposits and drift. The characteristics of the test bench were determined according to a panel of LiDAR characterizations of more than 200 orchards located in France. To overcome climatic conditions and to be able to work all year-round, the tests are carried out indoor a platform located at CTIFL in Bergerac. This article presents the ongoing work on the performance of the deposits of the project PerformancePulvé Arbo led by the CTIFL, in partnership with IFV and INRAe.
Environmental Sciences
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