Emerging food value chains in French rural territories : enabling and limiting factors to participatory forms of development and governance
In France, trajectories documenting the development of agroecological, sustainable food systems
have largely focused on cities and urban spaces. Yet, fewer projects have documented
the "emergent" trajectories of more isolated, sparsely populated areas that remain very little
or not at all invested in such e orts. The objective of this communication is to present the
main ndings/observations of an action-study carried out in seven predominantly rural, isolated
territories in France to promote the participatory development of agro-ecological territorial food
value chains. These territories face common challenges yet hold distinctive socioeconomic, cultural and political contexts in which speci c food chains are embedded. The lack of physical
proximity between the di erent communities composing each territory remains a major challenge
that renders the construction of these chains particularly complex.
In e orts to contribute to research on agroecological transitions in French rural areas, this work
provides insight on the enabling and limiting factors to participatory development/governance of
emerging agro-ecological territorialized value chains. A few key limiting factors include, among
others : (1) a general lack of social connection and cooperation between actors of the same
emerging food chain as well as with territorial actors considered "external" to its operation ;
(2) the exclusion of certain actors from local decision-making processes relating to the development of these food chains, particularly consumers, and intermediary economic operators (such as artisan butchers, breadmakers, medium and large supermarkets) ; (3) a lack of discussion
about the conditions for territorial chains to be sustainable (modes of production, accessibility,
among other dimensions). A few enabling factors include, among others, the advantage of
including educational institutions from the project's premise, for building strong linkages with
future generations of farmers appearing more concerned by these territorial food chains and by
agroecological transitions.