Optimization of the performance of dry batch anaerobic digestion using a combined industrial and laboratory approach
In France, the stocks available for anaerobic digestion are mainly found in agricultural byproducts and waste from the food industry and households. In order to reach the objectives for the global energy transition to 2050, the anaerobic digestion (AD) sector requires solutions to improve the efficiency of the installations, taking into account sanitary constraints and the fate of the byproducts in order to promote an efficient use of the territory's resources. Within the framework of the ERDF-Region call "Regional Research and Innovation Platforms", the BiogazRIO project (Research and Innovation in Occitanie), led by the LBE's BIO2E platform , has provided knowledge to develop solutions to optimize the substrates degradation and the operating parameters of industrial dry anaerobic digesters, to develop/improve systems for the control and supervision of the facilities and for the maximum recovery of anaerobic digestion byproducts. This project has brought together the LBE scientists with economic players of the sector: feedstock producers, technology providers and plant operators.
This paper presents the main results of the project concerning the performance of batch dry process anaerobic digestion (BDP AD) plants. The preparation of inputs for the DSM process, known as pre-composting, allows the substrates to rise in temperature, but it also causes losses in biodegradable feedstock. The objective was to determine the optimal preparation method to limit this loss. To do this, the impact of pre-composting was evaluated on the characteristics of the substrates, their methanogenic potential and their performance in the VSD reactor.