Energy mapping of large refrigerated warehouses co-located with renewable energy sources across Europe.
Feuille de Route de l'énergie pour des entrepôts frigorifiques équipés avec des énergies renouvelables en Europe
Powering refrigerated warehouses by renewable energy sources (RES) turns from an extravagancy to a routine. RES intermittency requires suitable energy storage for both off-grid and on-grid applications. Cryogenic energy storage, integrated synergistically with RES and large refrigerated warehouses, is a promising environmentally friendly technology (addressed by the EU CryoHub project). Hence, studies were carried out to identify where large energy-intensive refrigerated warehouses are situated across Europe and how much power they consume. By employing diverse instruments and data sources, some 1049 warehouses were established, while 503 energy intensive ones were mapped and further co-located with 3200 solar PV and 11700 onshore wind parks to discover the best areas for RES integration across EU28. As compared with similar international surveys, the CryoHub statistics covers simultaneously warehouse capacity, geographical location and energy data, which permit a comprehensive analysis and strategic planning in both food refrigeration and energy sectors.