Function of proteolysis in plant tolerance to cadmium stress
During any environmental stress, one of the cellular stress response mechanisms is the induction of proteolysis. Indeed, stress-induced modifications (changes in metabolism, gene expression) and the denaturation of certain proteins (mainly by oxidation) lead to the activation of oxidation) lead to the activation of specific proteolytic mechanisms that allow the body to adapt to new environmental conditions and eliminate oxidized proteins, toxic to the metabolism. Within the framework of the project "Nuclear and Environmental Toxicology project, we investigated the role of proteolysis in the tolerance of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana to cadmium stress: Is proteolysis a factor in the sensitivity or tolerance of the plant to stress?
The project aimed to evaluate the effect of cadmium stress on the oxidation state of proteins oxidation status and the overall proteolytic response of Arabidopsis plants and, secondly, to focus on the regulation of the regulation of the 20S proteasome pathway, which is the central mechanism of the proteolytic response to oxidative stress.