Dual Effects of Cold Storage and Stored Host Eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on the Reproductive Capacity of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)
Spodoptera frugiperda is the preferred host of the parasitoid Telenomus remus. Cold storage can preserve a sufficient quantity of parasitoids and their hosts in a laboratory colony for mass release. First, the effects of cold storage on the reproductive capacity of T. remus reared on non-stored S. frugiperda eggs and the hatching rate of unparasitized S. frugiperda eggs were investigated. Further, the dual effects of cold storage and stored S. frugiperda eggs on the reproductive capacity of T. remus were studied to determine the optimal storage conditions and the maximal shelf life for both the host and the parasitoid. The emergence rate, the number of adults produced, and the female proportion of T. remus were affected by cold storage factors. Pupae stored at 13 °C for 15 days is optimum for T. remus reared on non-stored S. frugiperda eggs. Spodoptera frugiperda eggs could only be stored at 10 °C for five days to be suitable for rearing T. remus. The optimum cold storage conditions for T. remus parasitizing stored eggs were 7 °C for 5 days in the larval stage. The maximal shelf lives of T. remus parasitizing cold-stored S. frugiperda eggs were 10 days. Cold storage affected the hatching rate of S. frugiperda eggs, thereby further affecting the reproductive capacity of T. remus. The findings suggest that different storage conditions should be used when mass-rearing T. remus on stored and non-stored eggs. Telenomus remus should be reproduced using fresh laid S. frugiperda eggs for maximum shelf life.