Identification of a "flavescence dorée" phytoplasma VmpA candidate receptor in the experimental insect vector Euscelidius variegatus
The "flavescence dorée" phytoplasma initiates the infection process using the adhesin VmpA to adhere to insect vector cells although the insect receptor for this protein still remains unknown. In vitro interaction assays were performed using recombinant VmpA-His 6 and cultured cells of the experimental vector Euscelidius variegatus. It was possible to identify thirteen interesting putative VmpA targets that have been tested for their role as VmpA receptors in cultured cells subjected to RNAi. These preliminary results show the implication of an unidentified protein containing several leucine-rich repeat domains in the adhesion of beads coated with recombinant VmpA to vector cells in culture.