Placental structure and function in different breeds in horses
Ponies and sometimes draft horses are often used as experimental models for horses although size and metabolic parameters are known to vary between horse breeds. So far, there is little information about differences of placental structure and no information about differences of placental function between breeds. The aim of this study was to investigate differences in placental size, structure and function at birth in relation to foal size and weight in ponies, Saddlebred and draft horses. Pony, Saddlebred and draft horse pregnancies were obtained by artificial insemination over 2 successive breeding seasons. Foals and total fetal membranes (TFM) were weighed and placentas measured for surface area at term. Placentas were sampled above the umbilical cord insertion. Surface density and volume fraction of the different cellular components of the placenta were measured on histological sections using stereology. The expression of genes involved in growth and development, nutrient transfer and vascularization was compared between groups. Foals and TFM were lighter at birth in ponies than Saddlebred horses, and both were lighter compared to draft horses. The surface density and volume fraction of microcotyledonary vessels was increased in pony compared to Saddlebred placentas. The relative expression of genes involved in growth and development was different between breeds and increased with maternal, fetal and placental weight. Primiparous dams produced lighter foals and smaller placentas, associated with a decreased volume fraction of microcotyledonary vessels and genes involved in growth and development and vascularization. Foal sex had little effect on placental structure and function as the expression of only one gene differed according to sex, with EGFR expression being decreased in placentas of females compared to males. In conclusion, foal and placental weight, as well as placental expression of genes involved in growth and development were correlated with maternal size. Placental structure also differed between breeds, with a stronger difference between ponies and both breeds of horses.