Synergy between cocksfoot and red clover silages on voluntary intake and digestive processes in sheep
Grass-legume associations are recognized for their agronomic and environmental interests. However, little is known regarding the possible interactions between the plants that can modulate, positively or negatively, intake and digestion in the animal. To characterize these associative effects, ten sheep were fed with five proportions of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata) and red clover (Trifolium pratense) silages (in percentage, 0:100; 25:75, 50:50, 75:25, 0:100) according a repeated 5x5 Latin square design. Measurements were carried out on intake and digestive processes. Animals fed with mixtures of cocksfoot and red clover increased their voluntary feed intake compared to theoretical values calculated from the voluntary intake of silages fed alone (P <0.001). The highest synergetic effect was observed for the 50:50 proportion, with an increase of 8% dry matter intake per kg of metabolic body weight. In contrast, no clear associative effect was observed on total tract digestibility and on enteric methane emissions. The positive associative effect on voluntary intake could be due to a greater motivation of animals to eat, rather than a synergy on digestive efficiency. Associations of cocksfoot and red clover silages could improve the animal performances in addition to the interest of grass-legume mixtures for the environment.