Infrared spectroscopy: a rapid tool for apricot characterization
The objective of this work, using the infrared spectroscopy applied to predict some apricot fruit quality traits, was to test on fruit harvested in 2010 the robustness of models established in 2005 (Bureau et al., 2009a,b). Two wavelength regions have been tested for apricot fruit quality analysis, the near-infrared (NIR, 800-2500 nm) applied on intact fruits and the mid-infrared (MIR, 4000-650 cm(-1)) on fruit slurries. Results of prediction were acceptable for SSC in NIR and for SSC and TA in MIR independently of the year. A methodology was then proposed for each year with i) a selection of a representative set of samples, ii) the development of prediction models using both spectral and classical measurements, and iii) the use of these models to predict quality traits in all other samples of the same year.