Conference Papers Year : 2005

Optimising food process and formulation on internet: the SYM'PREVIUS experience


The Sym’Previus network started in 1999. Sym’Previus meets the French expertise in Predictive Microbiology of major food companies, technical centres and public research institute. This project aims at proposing an assisting tool in the management of food safety. The following dual (software) background is applied: firstly, a database where information on the behaviour of microorganisms in/on foods and natural contamination of foods are structured. A query system, called MIEL, specifically developed for the database, allows to formulate specific interrogation with a specific selection of food and microorganisms. Secondly, a user-friendly software simulates the growth of microorganisms in food matrix. Sym’Previus is a simpler access to predictive microbiology for food companies. At the present time the software describes the effects of temperature, pH and water activity on bacteria growth in a range of food commodities, such as cereals, egg products, dairy product, meat... Sym’Previus is available on
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hal-02763239 , version 1 (04-06-2020)



O. Couvert, Dominique Thuault, Patrice Buche, Frederic F. Carlin, E. Mettler. Optimising food process and formulation on internet: the SYM'PREVIUS experience. 3. International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Agri-Food Chain, Model-IT 2005, May 2005, Leuven, Belgium. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2005.674.50⟩. ⟨hal-02763239⟩
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