Dietary variety in infants by the end of the 1st year: insights from a new questionnaire
There are data on the nutritional composition of foods dedicated to infants but descriptions of the infant's diet in terms of energy density (ED) are sparse. Besides, around the age of 1 year, the infant's diet shifts from foods specifically dedicated to infants to a diet composed of adult foods making this time period of interest. Our objective was to describe the ED of the consumed vegetable, the infants' exposure to dietary ED variability for vegetable-based recipes and whether this was linked to individual characteristics like sex, z-BMI or duration of breastfeeding and the age at the onset of complementary feeding. When their infant was 11 months old, parents completed a 3-month retrospective questionnaire composed of 158 foods among which 22 vegetables. For each food, the parent had to detail the 3 most commonly offered recipes, and should it be the case, the added caloric ingredients (e.g., butter, cheese…). For each recipe, the ED was calculated. The frequency of consumption was also recorded and always taken into account for all analyses conducted in our sample of 40 infants. The mean ED of vegetable-based recipes consumed between 8 and 11 months was 46 ± 16 kcal/100 g. Sixty percent of the vegetable-based recipes contained added caloric ingredients, mainly oil, butter and cream. However, adding caloric ingredients was less likely in manufactured baby-foods. Interestingly, infants exposed to a wide range of ED across the vegetable category between 8 and 11 months of age had a lower z-BMI at 8 and at 11 months. Since the correlation was already significant at 8 months, we can suggest that the infants' weight status may drive the parental feeding practices: parents of thinner infants may add sometimes caloric ingredients to increase their infant's energy intake. However, there were no significant links between mean ED and z-BMIs.