What is a good perennial sown pasture? – analysis of farmers’ perceptions in a western France network
Increasing protein self-sufficiency by increasing the use and duration of grassland on cattle farms is an efficient agro-ecological lever to improve agriculture sustainability. In the SOSProtein-4AgeProd-PERPeT programme, which aimed to study conditions for good persistency of sown grasslands, we created an observatory of 83 young grasslands (35 farms) which biophysical and management characteristics were observed during 4 years. To understand the subject beyond its technical and economic aspects and improve future use of results, we aimed to examine farmers’ perceptions about grasslands, as this can either be a driving force or a barrier to move toward more grass-based systems thanks to long term grasslands. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 22 farmers representing the diverse range of participants. They mentioned 5 major themes relating to economy, zootechnics, agronomy environment and working conditions. Despite a relatively homogenous population we could highlight 4 different farmers’ perceptions around functions and persistency of sown grasslands in their farming system. Combined with technical analysis these new elements on farmer’s expectations will help to support farmers to improve persistency of their grassland.