State-of-the-art in precision livestock farming technologies for monitoring small ruminant welfare
Knowledge on the use of PLF technologies (Tech) at different levels of the value chain for small ruminants (SR) was updated. Their uses for addressing animal welfare (Care) were analysed with a scientific literature review (SciRev).
Keywords (n=67) were identified and SciRev was launched by TechCare partners, using several engines. A total of 991 abstracts were identified. Records entailing both Tech and Care (TC papers) were retained and classified
according to the Tech and targeted Care indicators, animal species, production type and farming system. The outcome was a shared database compiling details of 368 TC for which a corresponding Mendeley PDF database was built
and made available online. Preliminary analyses shows that most frequent Care issues are related to malnutrition (monitored by behavioural sensors), general or chronic fear, transport and heat stress. Image analysis (video camera)
is the most quoted Tech, followed by GPS (mainly for animal geo-referencing), accelerometry, heart rate measures and ultrasonography. Many technologies are used to monitor the same Care issue. The range of Tech is narrower for
adequate housing, where environmental sensors are often coupled with body thermal condition/emission. There are few Tech for detecting mastitis, lameness and endoparasites. Preliminary results suggest that early warning systems
based on different interoperating sensors are needed to effectively monitor welfare issues such as malnutrition. Further research is required to match effectively Tech and prioritised Care issues in the context of TechCare project.