The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ perceptions and points of view on products quality
The INTAQT project aims to characterize the links between husbandry systems and the quality of poultry meat, beef
and dairy products after consulting at national and European levels the actors of each sector on their expectations.
The first step was to identify their perceptions and points of view in terms of product quality and this communication
focuses on results obtained with producers, processors, retailers and some representatives of citizens’ associations. In
addition to the intrinsic quality criteria already foreseen in the project (health, nutrition, organoleptic), stakeholders
spontaneously expressed the importance of considering extrinsic criteria related to sustainability (animal welfare,
environment, socio-economic aspects) as well as technological quality. The other criteria were mentioned in a variable
way depending on the type of stakeholder, the country and the sector concerned. These results are consistent with
consumers’ views and they have been taken into account to include other quality criteria in the project