Systematic review of serious games on livestock and how they consider sustainability
Serious games seem to be used more and more in agriculture and especially in livestock. They are supposed to
be useful for learning purposes but also for co-design or to evaluate decisions with simulation models. Thus, they
should be used in sustainability issues. We realized a systematic review of published articles on the use of serious
games to address sustainability issues of livestock. A PRISMA method have been used to make the review. We
produced a corpus description of articles, a descriptive analysis of games and an analysis of assessment done on
games. We borrowed also a framework developed to define what is sustainable agriculture in order to study how
serious games can be considered (or not) as a tool for sustainability in agriculture. The results (based on 107
empirical studies) showed that serious games on livestock have been gaining in importance since 2019. They are
seen as an effective means of enabling stakeholders to work together and tackle complex issues in a systemic way
to achieve sustainability in livestock sector. Indeed, sustainability issues are increasingly taken together in games
with more goals, strategies and field of action. Games are designed for learning but also to co-design new systems.
This review provides a solid basis for future studies of serious games in livestock. Nevertheless, the weakness of
the assessment carried out in the articles and the diversity of games does not make it possible to highlight the real
impact of games which lead us to ask for a research agenda on this theme.