An educational satellite project around the scientific elucidation of culinary precisions in Lebanon and in the Middle East
Food and cooking habits are important features of Lebanese society, as they link with the social life in Lebanon. Lebanese culinary culture and terroir are rich in traditional recipes and ingredients that are in high demand and appreciated by affluent as well as poor people. Tradition dominates the food system in rural and urban areas and is demonstrated at home, on the street and in restaurants. Traditional foods are considered a long-lasting legacy throughout the centuries, passed on to us by our ancestors. In 2011, the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik organized a series of lectures and workshops addressed to different audiences. A project funded by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie was undertaken by an academic team in Lebanon under the theme “Preservation and development of Lebanese culinary heritage through molecular gastronomy” in order to better understand scientifically the particularity of Lebanon’s traditional recipes.