Improving food offer in order to prevent and tackle undernutrition
Améliorer l'offre alimentaire afin de prévenir et soigner la dénutrition
When a person shows a decline in appetite or loses weight, is essential to adapt his/her diet in order to fulfil the nutritionc needs and prevent undernutrition. Three axes must but considered and combined: enriching diet (increasing the content of essential nutrients in a meal without increasing! the volume to be ingested); adapting food texture to orc capacities (chewing, salivation, swallowing); optimizing food sensory characteristics by taking into account food habit and food preferences.
Au début de l'année, un homme âgé de 80 ans est hospitalisé pour une prothèse du genou. Le lendemain de son opération, il se plaint auprès des soignants que “ses repas n'ont plus de goût”. Branle-bas de combat. Mise à l'isolement. Test...