A novel soft robotic pediatric in vitro swallowing device to gain insights into the swallowability of mini-tablets
Soft robotics could help providing a better understanding of the mechanisms underpinning the swallowability of solid oral dosage forms (SODF), especially by vulnerable populations such as the elderly or children. In this study a novel soft robotic in vitro device is presented, the Pediatric Soft Robotic Tongue (PSRT), inspired by the literature data on the anatomy and physiology of a 2-year-old child. Multi-particulate oral formulations (i. e., mini-tablets (MT)) were considered, including different scenarios such as SODF carrier (i.e., soft-food, liquid), administration methods, SODF size and volume fraction. In vitro results showed that semi-solid foods like yoghurt and apple puree (shear viscosity above ~ 150 mPa.s at ˙γ = 50 s