Signaling and sensing: the role of Class II TREHALOSE 6-PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE genes in suppression of eskimo1 dwarfism phenotype.
In Arabidopsis, eskimo1 mutant is due to a mutation in XOAT1 gene (Xylan O-acetyl transferase 1). Its mutation leads to abnormal xylan acetylation resulting in collapsed xylem. This cell wall defect reduces water conductivity and generates constitutive plant stress leading to a dwarfism phenotype. This phenotype is supressed by a mutation in Class II TREHALOSE 6-PHOSPHATE SYNTHASE 7 (TPS 7) gene. The two closest homologous class II genes of TPS7, TPS5 and TPS6, were also investigated for esk1 dwarfism suppression. The results will be presented here.