How do poultry experience their environment: scientific research and practical issues
Comment les volailles perçoivent et interprètent leur environnement : recherche scientifique et exemples d’applications
Cognitive capacities refer to all mental processes such as attention, memorization, learning and reasoning skills. These cognitive capacities allow animals to understand and adapt to their environment, and are the basis of multiple behaviours. In this review, we first briefly present an overview of current knowledge on the cognitive capacities of poultry, with a focus on laying hens and broilers. We show that these birds have a diverse sensory world, develop rich social interactions and are capable of learning, among other capacities. Although more research is needed, these birds have a much broader repertoire of cognitive capacities than is often assumed. In a second part, we illustrate how this knowledge brings a new vision to the understanding of behaviours observed in farming systems, such as range use of free-range chickens, or injurious pecking in laying hens. The study of animal cognition, which is developing rapidly on the international level, contributes to a better understanding of the biology of these animals. In the long term, this research could lead to the development of original approaches to better orientate husbandry practices and to improve animal welfare.
La science s’intéresse de longue date aux pratiques d’élevage et à la notion de sensibilité animale. En accord avec ces questionnements, il existe une demande sociétale croissante pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie des animaux de rente. Cette amélioration nécessite des connaissances de leurs capacités cognitives, qui permettent à l’animal de traiter, mémoriser, interpréter ce qui se passe dans son environnement. Ces connaissances permettent d’expliquer voire limiter certains comportements observés en élevage. [ Cet article est issu d’une synthèse présentée aux 14èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole des 9-10 mars 2022 à Tours. (Calandreau et al., 2022) ]
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2023 - Degrande - Comment les volailles perçoivent et interpètent leur environnement, recherche scientifique et exemples d'applications (1).pdf (1.16 Mo)
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