APIVALE scientific consortium: integrated approach for organic effluent recycling and valorisation
About 400 million tons of organic waste is produced each year in France with a major contribution of animal production (300 million tons) and agroindustry (45 million tons). Agriculture is thus at the heart of organic waste recycling and valorisation (organic matter, energy, nutrients, etc.). This challenge requires the production of scientific knowledge, the development of technical or organizational innovation and a more holistic approach to better consider the possible synergies on the territories. Organic effluents are subjected to numerous biological, chemical and physical processes that modify their composition, generate emissions to the environment and finally affect the availability of nutrient to plants and soil fertility. An improved knowledge of these different processes is thus required to quantify more precisely the emissions (for environmental evaluation) as well as for their reduction (for mitigation strategies). Different research institutes located in Western France including INRAE, ANSES, CNRS, UBS, Institut Agro, Université de Rennes and ENSCR, have decided to share their skills, experimental facilities and equipment in a scientific consortium named ‘APIVALE’ in order to develop an integrated approach of organic effluent recycling and valorisation. The scientific consortium provides skills and facilities to perform integrated studies over the whole chain of production and valorisation of organic effluent, possibly in combination with other sources of organic waste (urban or agro-industrial).