Welfare barriers and levers for improvement in organic and low-input outdoor pig and poultry production systems
Christine Leterrier
Claire Bonnefous
Jarkko Niemi
Lucia Rocchi
Giuditta Meloni
Martina Re
(5, 6)
Laura van Vooren
An Jamart
Minna Väre
Katja Lähtinen
Myriam Thys
Evelien Graat
Charlotte Vanden Hole
T.. Bas Rodenburg
Saskia Kliphuis
Mona F. Giersberg
Antoine Roinsard
Olivia Tavares
Brieuc Desaint
Sarah Lombard
Sanna Steenfeldt
J. Pedersen Lene
Ricarda Engberg
Isam Almadani Mohamad
Riccardo Carelli
Marlene Sciarretta
Laurence A. Guilloteau
Sophie Réhault-Godbert
Joël Gautron
Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval
Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau
Cécile Berri
Alexandre Barbin
Elodie Guettier
Pascal Chartrin
Léa Tourneur
Pauline Bodin
Adrien Guichaoua
Henry van den Brand
Roos Molenaar
Cesare Castellini
Maxime Reverchon
Daniel Guémené
Michel Sourdioux
Roland Akakpo
Ninfa Rangel Pedersen
René Schepens
Maria Almind
David Dubuc
(18, 19)
Marie-Véronique Le Lann
Raffella Ponzio
Marina Mainardi
Caterina Accotto
Monica Coletta
Vanessa Guesdon
Hélène Leruste
Bérangère Billiard
Vitor Bessa Ferreira
(1, 22)
Keith Walley
Patricia Parrott
Shelley Allan
Lisa Baldinger
Helen Pluschke
Elsa Delanoue
(25, 26, 27)
Laura Warin
Maxime Quentin
Jonathan Hercule
Marion Pertusa
Mathilde Stomp
Angélique Travel
Karine Germain
Laure Ravon
Ludovic Calandreau
Valérie Labas
Emilie Maugrion
Armelle Prunier
Elodie Merlot
Céline Tallet
Jaap van Milgen
Caroline Clouard
Marie-Christine Meunier-Salaün
Bénédicte Lebret
Lucile Montagne
Justine Faure
Anna Zuliani
Pietro Venezia
Laurianne Canario
Vasile Cozma
Marina Spinu
Mihai-Horia Bǎieş
Valérie Courboulay
Alexandre Poissonnet
Christine Roguet
Didier Gaudré
Patrick Chevillon
Laurent Alibert
Virginie Decruyenaere
Sophie Herremans
Chloé Hivet
José Wavreille
Pia Vanggaard
Jan B. Vanggaard
Cristina Micheloni
Petra Thobe
Frank A.M. Tuyttens
Stéphane Ferchaud
Katia Grenier
Anne Collin
Physiologie de la reproduction et des comportements [Nouzilly]
2 BOA - Biologie des Oiseaux et Aviculture
3 LUKE - Natural Resources Institute Finland
4 UNIPG - Università degli Studi di Perugia = University of Perugia
5 AIAB - Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica
6 SSSA - Scuela Santa Anna
7 BioForum Vlaanderen
8 ILVO - Research Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food
9 Universiteit Utrecht / Utrecht University [Utrecht]
10 ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture Biologique
11 Aarhus University [Aarhus]
12 Thuenen Institute of Farm Economics
13 EAAP - European Association for Animal Production
14 Acta - Les instituts techniques agricoles
15 WUR - Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen]
16 SYSAAF - Syndicat des Sélectionneurs Avicoles et Aquacoles Français
17 Fermentation Experts
18 LAAS-MH2F - Équipe Micro et nanosystèmes HyperFréquences Fluidiques
19 IUT Paul Sabatier - Institut Universitaire de Technologie - Paul Sabatier
20 LAAS-DISCO - Équipe DIagnostic, Supervision et COnduite
21 Slow Food Biodiversity
23 Harper Adams University
24 Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming
26 IFIP - Institut du Porc
27 Institut de l'élevage
28 UE EASM - Systèmes d'Elevage Avicoles Alternatifs
29 PEGASE - Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Elevage [Rennes]
30 SIVtro VSF Italia
31 GenPhySE - Génétique Physiologie et Systèmes d'Elevage
32 USAMV Cluj-Napoca
33 CRA-W - Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomiques [Belgique] = Walloon Agricultural Research Centre [Belgium]
34 Vanggaard Staldmontage
35 GenESI - Unité Expérimentale Elevages Porcins Innovants
2 BOA - Biologie des Oiseaux et Aviculture
3 LUKE - Natural Resources Institute Finland
4 UNIPG - Università degli Studi di Perugia = University of Perugia
5 AIAB - Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica
6 SSSA - Scuela Santa Anna
7 BioForum Vlaanderen
8 ILVO - Research Institute for Agricultural, Fisheries and Food
9 Universiteit Utrecht / Utrecht University [Utrecht]
10 ITAB - Institut Technique de l'Agriculture Biologique
11 Aarhus University [Aarhus]
12 Thuenen Institute of Farm Economics
13 EAAP - European Association for Animal Production
14 Acta - Les instituts techniques agricoles
15 WUR - Wageningen University and Research [Wageningen]
16 SYSAAF - Syndicat des Sélectionneurs Avicoles et Aquacoles Français
17 Fermentation Experts
18 LAAS-MH2F - Équipe Micro et nanosystèmes HyperFréquences Fluidiques
19 IUT Paul Sabatier - Institut Universitaire de Technologie - Paul Sabatier
20 LAAS-DISCO - Équipe DIagnostic, Supervision et COnduite
21 Slow Food Biodiversity
23 Harper Adams University
24 Thuenen-Institute of Organic Farming
26 IFIP - Institut du Porc
27 Institut de l'élevage
28 UE EASM - Systèmes d'Elevage Avicoles Alternatifs
29 PEGASE - Physiologie, Environnement et Génétique pour l'Animal et les Systèmes d'Elevage [Rennes]
30 SIVtro VSF Italia
31 GenPhySE - Génétique Physiologie et Systèmes d'Elevage
32 USAMV Cluj-Napoca
33 CRA-W - Centre wallon de Recherches Agronomiques [Belgique] = Walloon Agricultural Research Centre [Belgium]
34 Vanggaard Staldmontage
35 GenESI - Unité Expérimentale Elevages Porcins Innovants
Christine Leterrier
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 744731
- IdHAL : christine-leterrier
- IdRef : 114929009
Claire Bonnefous
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1158583
- IdHAL : claire-bonnefous
- ORCID : 0000-0002-3522-5686
Laurence A. Guilloteau
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 746143
- IdHAL : laurence-guilloteau
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7089-2196
Sophie Réhault-Godbert
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 735479
- IdHAL : sophie-rehault-godbert
- ORCID : 0000-0003-2800-3417
- IdRef : 060242485
Joël Gautron
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 744522
- IdHAL : joel-gautron
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7800-0578
- IdRef : 186279590
Elisabeth Le Bihan-Duval
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 745093
- IdHAL : elisabeth-duval
- IdRef : 110746805
Sandrine Mignon-Grasteau
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 741130
- IdHAL : sandrine-mignon-grasteau
- ORCID : 0000-0002-0142-0109
- IdRef : 157811441
Cécile Berri
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 743562
- IdHAL : cecile-berri
- ORCID : 0000-0002-3613-1825
- IdRef : 129007722
Elodie Guettier
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 744471
- IdHAL : elodie-guettier
- ORCID : 0009-0000-3707-9996
Pascal Chartrin
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1206213
- IdHAL : pascal-chartrin
Maxime Reverchon
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 751998
- IdHAL : maxime-reverchon
- ORCID : 0000-0001-8329-7708
David Dubuc
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 933739
- IdRef : 068958609
Vitor Bessa Ferreira
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 743919
- IdHAL : vitorhbf
- ORCID : 0000-0001-7752-2382
Karine Germain
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 1270630
- IdHAL : karine-germain
- ORCID : 0009-0005-6638-9404
Ludovic Calandreau
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 736643
- IdHAL : ludovic-calandreau
- ORCID : 0000-0002-7535-5733
- IdRef : 112739822
Valérie Labas
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 744508
- IdHAL : valerie-labas
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5094-6844
Armelle Prunier
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 746969
- IdHAL : aprunier
- ORCID : 0000-0003-3070-6613
Elodie Merlot
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 735359
- IdHAL : elodie-merlot
- ORCID : 0000-0003-2300-0970
- IdRef : 079245870
Céline Tallet
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 735446
- IdHAL : celine-tallet
- ORCID : 0000-0002-1899-9233
- IdRef : 101548869
Jaap van Milgen
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 741273
- IdHAL : jaapvanmilgen
- ORCID : 0000-0002-6131-5255
- IdRef : 20443274X
Caroline Clouard
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 184173
- IdHAL : carolineclouard
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5562-6057
- IdRef : 168897644
Bénédicte Lebret
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 736773
- IdHAL : benedicte-lebret
- ORCID : 0000-0001-5435-0389
Lucile Montagne
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 746559
- IdHAL : lucile-montagne
- ORCID : 0000-0002-9540-1872
Laurianne Canario
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 741958
- IdHAL : laurianne-canario
- ORCID : 0000-0002-0046-381X
- IdRef : 120249103
Frank A.M. Tuyttens
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 884736
Stéphane Ferchaud
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 739765
- IdHAL : stephane-ferchaud
- ORCID : 0009-0004-9364-8785
Katia Grenier
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 15298
- IdHAL : katia-grenier
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5056-5582
- IdRef : 063051990
Anne Collin
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 736084
- IdHAL : anne-collin
- ORCID : 0000-0002-3410-6108
- IdRef : 144207494
The PPILOW project aims to co-construct innovations to improve Poultry and Pig Welfare in Low-input outdoor and Organic farming systems through a multi-actor approach. Its first step was to sum up animal welfare challenges observed in these systems and levers of improvement, from a review of literature data and research projects. Data were completed with information from key informants of the supply chains of poultry meat, eggs and pork in Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Finland. The interviews indicated that the main issues in poultry were: feeding, biosecurity, lack of range use and range management, feather pecking, weather, regulation, flock size or density, predation, bone fractures, lack of robustness, parasitism, pododermatitis, arthrosis, nervousness, water quality, catching and time spent by farmers. The main issues in pig were: feeding, tail biting, mortality, weather, predation, lack of robustness, lack of range use, castration, animal aggressiveness and competition, water quality, range management, human welfare, biosecurity issues, flock size or density, parasitism, insolation burns, joint abnormalities, parturition in freedom and pollution. This information has implemented a participatory approach for proposing welfare-improvement levers. Some issues and potential solutions were included in PPILOW experiments (phytotherapy against parasitism, involvement of animal personality in range use, rearing of entire pig males, genetic selection for reduced piglet mortality, improved farrowing huts for sows and piglets reared on range, avoiding feather pecking in laying hens with intact beaks, avoiding the killing of day-old male chicks etc.), and solution costs evaluated. The results will provide a combination of practical solutions for welfare improvement in Europe. The PPILOW project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement N°816172.